Tuesday 15 January 2013

Why believe me?

Just a random cheesburger
Just some random pasta

Well for starters, I can eat! Always have been an eater, always will be an eater. Thin or Thick I enjoy a good meal.  I love to eat out, I love to cook and I love to try new things. Can't get a better combination than that! 

So why believe me? 

I can honestly say that I have been dining out for lunch and dinner and the occasional brunch or breakfast for a long part of my 35 years.  Even as a teenager we would all go out for dinner and "coffee" and enjoy a good meal together, we could drink coffee all night and still fall into bed like the dead. Gone are those days for me my friends but here's to what's out there to keep enjoying.
So I would consider my auntie to be my official lunchtime connoisseur sidekick. Along with my husband and date night partner for the dinners.
So I hope to be able to give an honest opinion about local Victoria BC Restaurants, most of know who I am, and be a place you can visit when making a choice about where to go and spend your hard earned money to eat out.

I plan to expand to other cities I have visited and enjoyed their dining establishments as well, in the future *ie. Las Vegas (one of my favourite places) so when you travel you can make plans to eat in great places as well.
This is all my passion and desire to see people get what they deserve to pay for. In this time we are all just trying to enjoy what we can in life and it is costly so let's get the biggest BANG for our bucks!
I also happen to work somewhere that I have access to hundreds of people's opinions and often share mine with them, they can all atest to that once they start reading this!  So please,
I welcome your feedback and additions to the site as well, I always like to try new places and have never had the avenue to share widespread before so here goes it.....
To share a comment, you either need a blogger id or you can post as anonymous, but please leave a name for me to send kudos to if necessary! xxx

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